MTK Alerta Institutu Autónomu Lalori Dividas Ba 2024
TL Tenke Preparadu Ba Mundu Teknolójia
Hafoin MTC, Sua Exelensia Miguel Marques Gonçalves Manetelu, ekontru ho Enkaregadora Australia Caitlin Wilson, delegasaun foto hamutuk. (Foto/Media MTC/AdãoVieira)
S.E. Ministro dos Transportes e Komunikasaun, Eng. Miguel M.G.Manetelu Akompanha husi Diretur DNIC Eng. Ambrosio Manuel Barreto Amaral,L.Ed.,MM Vizita Direita Data Center
Submarine Fiber Optic Cable System
East Timor's Aero Dili
Membru Oitavu lideradu Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, antes atu halo reuniaun konsellu ministru hodi aprova orsamentu ratifikativu, iha Pallasu Governu, kuarta 09/08.


Autoridade Portuáriu Timor-Leste (APORTIL) is an autonomous Government Institution responsible for managing the Sea Port in Dili. The current President of the Board of Directors is Flávio Cardoso Neves.

Dili Seaport is located in the center of the capital and is currently the only international Port in Timor-Leste. The Port is operational 24hrs per day, 363 days per year for functions such as unloading/loading of vessels on the berth, removal of containers and bulk cargo (rice, cement & timber), and returning empty containers for loading onto berthed vessels. The Port has three gates for entry and exit of vehicles and container transport. There is a 24hr security presence by UPM (PNTL- Unidade Polisia Maritima) and DNSPP (Diresaun Nasional Seguransa Patrimoniu Publiku), who are responsible for gate access management and general security within the Port area.

The administration building for APORTIL is located adjacent to the main gate. Their primary responsibility is to provide temporary storage for goods arriving by vessel, general management and maintenance of the Port, collection of berthing fees from shipping, and demurrage fees for container storage. They do not operate any lifting or container moving machinery as this is designated to the Stevedore companies.